Monday, November 24, 2014

We Need To Relaxxxxx More!

Hello lovelies! I know it's been a while since I've written my last post and for this I apoligise. I could probably come up with a million and one excuses about why it's been so long but honestly life just got in the way. But whilst I've been away, I've had to deal with a stress or two and as many as you know, one of the main triggers for eczema flare-ups is stress.

The National Eczema Association state
 "Many older AD children and adults recognize a relationship between stressful occurrences in their lives and their AD flare-ups. Anger, frustration and embarrassment all many cause flushing and itching."
(AD standing for Atopic Dermatitis - the most severe type of eczema. If you want to see more of their website check them out here)

What annoys me about eczema is that it seems to be a vicious circle. When I was doing my GCSE's and A-Levels, I was stressed (as all of us are when it comes to exams). So because I was stressed, I was itching and because I was itching it made me more stressed. It seemed to be ongoing.

However, there IS a way to control your stress and perhaps your itching. And what is the way to control it you ask? RELAXATION.

Everyone has their own forms of relaxing, whether it hanging out with friends or settling down into their favourite book but the following suggestions I have found are the most effective forms of relieving stress.

Many older AD children and adults recognize a relationship between stressful occurrences in their lives and their AD flare-ups. Anger, frustration and embarrassment all many cause flushing and itching
  • YOGA
Yoga and meditation are famous for relaxation. The NHS state "Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing."

Practising yoga allows you to focus on things such as your breathing, all whilst allowing your body to relieve any tension or stress that you have. In addition, it's perfect as while you're focusing on this, your brain isn't even thinking about the eczema!

The best thing is that you don't even need to pay to go to classes, you can practice it at home going onto links with tips etc such as this one or going onto YouTube and following videos there.

  • 'ME' TIME
In our busy lives, we often forget that we need to take some time out to look after ourselves. Having eczema can sometimes be draining, both mentally and physically so it is especially important to have some 'me time' every now and again.

Personally, I like to have a long bubble bath. For us eczema folk, it's sometimes hard to find a bubble bath product that doesn't contain any perfume or other nasty things that our skin hates. However, a product that I have found and love is Sanex.

Sanex is inexpensive and is formulated for those who have sensitive skin, so we never have to worry about avoiding luxurious bubble baths!

Check out one of their bubble baths here and a brilliant shower gel they also have here. (These are featured in Boots in the UK but for those of you who are outside, I'm sure you would be able to find their products online which can be sent to you!)

After having a bath and listening to my favourite music, I like to make a cup of green/chamomile tea, go up to bed, light some candles and put on a good TV show/movie.

I find that having a hot cup of either of these teas not only to be incredibly beneficial, but also relaxing.

Here are only SOME of the benefits green and chamomile tea give you.

Green Tea
  1. Good source for antioxidants
  2. Burns fat and enables you to exercise for longer
  3. Hydrates you more than water
  4. Lowers stress and boosts brain power
  5. Reduces high blood pressure
  6. Helps build bones
  7. Boosts your immune system 
  8. Helps improve your skin 
Chamomile Tea
  1. Relieve allergy symptoms
  2. Eases nausea
  3. Helps skin irritations
  4. Helps with cramps
  5. Calms nerves
  6. Boosts immune system
  7. Helps you sleep

There are loads of brands you do these types of teas but my personal choice is 'Pukka'. Pukka have a wide range of teas, including one called 'Relax'.

I hope that some of these suggestions will help you in finding some ways how to control your stress. Relaxing will not only help control your stress and your itching, but could also help prevent any flare-ups that could arise.

We need to put ourselves first sometimes, we and our skin deserve a break!

Until the next time,




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